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IUserAccessiable Interface

Namespace: SurveyToGo.UserLogic.Interfaces
Assembly: UserLogicInt.Pocket (in UserLogicInt.Pocket.dll) Version:
public interface IUserAccessiable

The IUserAccessiable type exposes the following members.

Public propertyChildMgr
Public propertyConnectionMgr
Public propertyCurrChapter
Public propertyCurrPageQuestions
Public propertyCurrQues
Public propertyDeviceID
Public propertyDeviceIndex
Public propertyCode exampleDeviceVersion
This function returns the STG data collection app version installed on the device.
Public propertyDisableAutomaticGPSUpdates
Public propertyDisplayDeviceIndex
Public propertyDisplayInfo
Public propertyDisplaySurveyIndex
Public propertyDownloadMgr
Public propertyExecutionMgr
Public propertyCode exampleExtRefNum
Set’s or returns the External Reference Number. ExtRefNum is an additional place to store a reference number about a particular interview.
Public propertyFileMonitors
Public propertyFreeScenarioName
Public propertyGlobalVars
Public propertyCode exampleGPSOpen
Checks if the GPS is open.
Public propertyHasLocationID
Public propertyHasTask
Public propertyIsAutoResolve
Public propertyIsEmulator
Public propertyIsGoingBack
Public propertyIsManualResolve
Public propertyIsReviewer
Public propertyCode exampleIterationIndex
Relevant mainly when used within an iteration. Returns the index of the current iteration
Public propertyCode exampleIterationName
Relevant mainly when used within an iteration. Returns the name of the current iteration when iterating on Answer Scales otherwise contains the iteration number
Public propertyLanguageMgr
Public propertyLastError
Public propertyNow
Public propertyCode exampleParent
Parent provides you a way to 'communicate' between child and parent surveys. you call it from within the Child survey.
Public propertyQAScore
Will return the Quality Control score of the particular interview.
Public propertyQuotaMgr
Public propertyRootDir
Public propertySDCardDir
Public propertyShowAddUserAttachment
Public propertySID
Public propertySoundRec
Public propertyCode exampleSubjectData
Set’s or returns the SubjectData column. this column is an additional place to store information about a particular interview
Public propertyCode exampleSubjectGPSLocation
Used in order to set your currently captured Latitude and longitude that will be associated to the current Interview. Can be used for example when a surveyor will use a manual used GPS and will manually enter the coordinates.
Public propertySubjectMode
Public propertySubmitTime
Will return the submit time of the particular interview.
Public propertySurveyClientData
Public propertySurveyDescription
Holds the survey description as was set int the Survey Properties tab of the survey
Public propertySurveyGlobalVars
Public propertySurveyID
Public propertySurveyIndex
Public propertySurveyName
Holds the name of the current survey
Public propertySurveyorComment
Will Set or return the surveyor comment of the particular interview.
Public propertySurveyorExtRefID
Public propertySurveyorName
Hold the name of the surveyore that is currently performing the interview
Public propertySurveyUserGlobalVars
Public propertyCode exampleSurveyVersion
This function returns the survey version that is updated on the device.
Public propertyTask
Public propertyTicket
Public propertyTimers
Public propertyTimeStamp
Will return the current time stamp.
Public propertyToday
Public propertyTopBanner
Public propertyUIMgr
Public propertyULValues
Public propertyUploadTime
Will return the upload time of the particular interview.
Public propertyUserAttachmentCount
Public propertyUserGlobalVars
Public propertyVars
Public propertyVisitDay
Will return the day of the particular survey.
Public propertyVisitEnd
Will return the ending time of the particular survey.
Public propertyVisitEndDay
Will return the ending day of the particular interview.
Public propertyVisitStart
Will return the starting time of the particular survey.
Public propertyVisitStartDay
Will return the starting day of the particular interview.
Public methodAddAlarmEntry
Public methodAddCalendarEntry
Public methodCode exampleAddExternalListAnswer
This function adds an answer to a pre-loaded external list question.
Public methodCode exampleAddExternalListAnswerIter(Int32, String, String, Int32)
This function adds an answer to a pre-loaded external list question within a loop with a given iteration.
Public methodCode exampleAddExternalListAnswerIter(Int32, String, String, String)
This function adds an answer to a pre-loaded external list question within a nested loop
Public methodCode exampleAddExternalListAnswerOtherSpecify
This function adds an Other Specify type of answer to a pre-loaded external list question.
Public methodCode exampleAddExternalListAnswerOtherSpecifyIter(Int32, String, String, Int32)
This function adds an Other Specify type of answer to a pre-loaded external list question in a loop with a given iteration.
Public methodCode exampleAddExternalListAnswerOtherSpecifyIter(Int32, String, String, String)
This function adds an Other Specify type of answer to a pre-loaded external list question within a nested loop.
Public methodAdditionalAnswerText
Returns the Other-Specify text entered for the specified answer ID.
Public methodAdditionalAnswerTextIter(Int32, String, Int32)
Public methodAdditionalAnswerTextIter(Int32, String, String)
Returns the Other-Specify text entered for the specified answer ID in the given iteration.
Public methodCode exampleAdditionalText Obsolete.
Relevent mainly for single choice and multiple selection questions. Returns the additional text of the "Other specify" answer that was coded in inQuesIdx.
Public methodCode exampleAdditionalTextIter(Int32, Int32) Obsolete.
Relevent mainly for single choice and multiple selection questions, included inside a loop chapter. Returns the additional text of the "Other specify" answer that was coded in inQuesIdx, during iteration inIter.
Public methodCode exampleAdditionalTextIter(Int32, String) Obsolete.
Relevent mainly for single choice and multiple selection questions, included inside a loop chapter. Returns the additional text of the "Other specify" answer that was coded in inQuesIdx, during a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodCode exampleAdditionalValue Obsolete.
Relevent mainly for single choice and multiple selection questions. Returns DVar type value, of the additional text of the "Other specify" answer that was coded in inQuesIdx.
Public methodCode exampleAdditionalValueIter(Int32, Int32) Obsolete.
Relevent mainly for single choice and multiple selection questions within an iteration. Returns DVar type value, of the additional text of the "Other specify" answer that was coded in inQuesIdx in iteration inIter.
Public methodCode exampleAdditionalValueIter(Int32, String) Obsolete.
Relevent mainly for single choice and multiple selection questions within a nested iteration. Returns DVar type value, of the additional text of the "Other specify" answer that was coded in inQuesIdx in iteration inIter (nested iteration string created using CreateMultiIterationsString).
Public methodCode exampleAnswer
Returns the answer of a question. Valid for questions that have one answer like open ended, single choice, numeric etc. Should not be used for questions of type Multiple Selection, Grids etc. for these questions use AnswerChoice
Public methodCode exampleAnswerChoice
Relevent mainly for single choice grid and numeric choice grid questions. Returnes a DVar value type, of the index (in a single choice grid) or the text (in a numeric grid) of the answer coded for inChoiceIdx in inQuesIdx.
Public methodAnswerChoiceIdx Obsolete.
Public methodAnswerChoiceIdxByCode Obsolete.
Public methodCode exampleAnswerChoiceIter(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Relevent mainly for single choice grid and numeric choice grid questions, that were included inside a loop chapter. Returns a DVar value type, of the index (in a single choice grid) or the text (in a numeric grid) of the answer coded for inChoiceIdx in inQuesIdx, during iteration inIter.
Public methodCode exampleAnswerChoiceIter(Int32, Int32, String)
Relevent mainly for single choice grid and numeric choice grid questions, that were included inside a loop chapter. Returns a DVar value type, of the index (in a single choice grid) or the text (in a numeric grid) of the answer coded for inChoiceIdx in inQuesIdx, during a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodCode exampleAnswerChoiceSelection
Relevant for multiple selection grid questions. Returns the index of the answer that was chosen in a specific choice in the specific topic
Public methodCode exampleAnswerChoiceSelectionIter(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Relevant for multiple selection grid questions. Returns the index of the answer that was chosen in a specific choice in the specific topic and iteration
Public methodCode exampleAnswerChoiceSelectionIter(Int32, Int32, Int32, String)
Relevant for multiple selection grid questions. Returns the index of the answer that was chosen in a specific choice in the specific topic, during a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodCode exampleAnswerCode
Returns the answer code of an answer in a non-grid questions
Public methodCode exampleAnswered(Int32)
Relevant for all Questions Returns true if question inQuesIdx was answered and not skipped
Public methodAnswered(Int32, Boolean)
Public methodAnsweredChoice
Returns whether a given chice was answered.
Public methodAnsweredChoiceIter
Returns whether a given chice was answered.
Public methodCode exampleAnsweredIter(Int32, Int32)
Relevant mainly for Questions that are part of an iteration Returns true if question inQuesIdx was answered and not skipped in the iteration inIteration
Public methodCode exampleAnsweredIter(Int32, String)
Returns true if question inQuesIdx was answered and not skipped in a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodAnsweredIter(Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Public methodCode exampleAnsweredIter(Int32, String, Boolean)
Returns true if question inQuesIdx was answered in a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodAnswerIter(Int32, Int32)
Public methodCode exampleAnswerIter(Int32, String)
Returns the DVar value of the answer that was coded in inQuesIdx, during a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodAnswerIter(Int32, Boolean, String)
Public methodCode exampleAnswerText
Relevent mainly for multiple selection questions. Returns the text of inAnswerIdx in inQuesIdx.
Public methodCode exampleAppendAnswerText
Relevant only for multi\single mention question types. Gets a question index, an answer index, and a text to append to the relevant answertext.
Public methodCode exampleAppendFileText
This function appends the given text inText into a file created and saved on the device / PC (add inText to the end of the text that exits in the given file). As the function is Asynchronous, when the file is actually written the callback function void OnWriteFileTextResult(String inFileName, bool inSuccess, bool inAppended)) is called and it includes the filename, success (read or not) and in this case the inAppended will be returned as true. You need to override it in your Advanced Scripts to perform what you need in case of failure.
Public methodCode exampleAppendOpenEndedText
Relevant mostly for open ended questions. This function append the text inText to an existing text in question inQuesIdx, and set the new text in the question.
Public methodCode exampleAppendOpenEndedTextChoice
Relevant mostly for open ended grid questions. This function append the text inText to an existing text in topic inTopic in question inQuesIdx, and set the new text in this topic.
Public methodCode exampleAppendOpenEndedTextChoiceIter(Int32, Int32, Int32, String)
Relevant mostly for open ended grid questions. This function append the text inText to an existing text in topic inTopic in question inQuesIdx, in a specific loop iteration, and set the new text in this topic for this iteration.
Public methodCode exampleAppendOpenEndedTextChoiceIter(Int32, Int32, String, String)
Relevant mostly for open ended grid questions. This function append the text inText to an existing text in topic inTopic in question inQuesIdx, in a specific nested loops iterations state, and set the new text in this topic for this iterations state.
Public methodCode exampleAppendOpenEndedTextIter(Int32, Int32, String)
Relevant mostly for open ended questions. This function append the text inText to an existing text in question inQuesIdx in a specific loop iteration, and set the new text in the question in this iteration.
Public methodCode exampleAppendOpenEndedTextIter(Int32, String, String)
Relevant mostly for open ended questions. This function append the text inText to an existing text in question inQuesIdx in a specific nested loops iterations state, and set the new text in the question in this iterations state.
Public methodAppendSurveyorComment
Public methodCode exampleAppendTopicText
Relevant only for grid question types. Gets a question index, a topic index, and a text to append to the relevant topic text.
Public methodCode exampleAreAllAnswersVisible
Relevant mainly for Questions that have no topics included. For those use AreAllTopicsVisible Returs true if all the answers are visble in question inQuesIdx
Public methodCode exampleAreAllTopicsVisible
Relevant mainly for Questions that have topics included. Returns true if all the topics in question inQuesIdx are visible, otherwise returns false
Public methodAsk(String, eAskButtons)
Public methodCode exampleAsk(DVar, eAskButtons)
Will prompt a question to the surveyor, according to the given values. It’s answer data is not saved. Valid only for PC Surveyor
Public methodAsyncAsk
Public methodAttachCopy(String)
Public methodAttachCopy(String, String, String, Boolean)
Public methodAttachFile(String)
Public methodAttachFile(String, String, String, Boolean)
Public methodAttachLink
Public methodAttachUserCopy(String)
Public methodAttachUserCopy(String, String, String, Boolean)
Public methodAttachUserFile(String)
Public methodAttachUserFile(String, String, String, Boolean)
Public methodAVPosRef
Public methodAVRef
Public methodCode exampleBrowseTo
The function can be used in the start/end script in order to open a specific URL
Public methodCheckTopicsMaxValue
Public methodCheckTopicsMinValue
Public methodCode exampleCheckTopicsNotValues
checks if the given answer index’s were not selected in a single choice grid question.
Public methodCode exampleCheckTopicsValues
checks if the given answer index’s were selected in a single choice grid question.
Public methodClearAnswer
Resets the Answer to it's original state. Important Note: Should only be used in extreme cases and it is advised to consult with Dooblo support before using it in a script.
Public methodCode exampleClearAnswerAllIterations
This function clear the answers for question inQuesIdx that is in a loop chapter, in all loop iterations.
Public methodClearAnswerIter(Int32, Int32)
Resets the Answer to it's original state within a specific iteration. Important Note: Should only be used in extreme cases and it is advised to consult with Dooblo support before using it in a script.
Public methodCode exampleClearAnswerIter(Int32, String)
This function resets the answers in question inQuesIdx to it's original state within a specific nested loops iterations state. Important Note: Should only be used in extreme cases and it is advised to consult with Dooblo support before using it in a script.
Public methodClearFlag
Public methodClearSubjectGPSLocation
Clears the current gps data, if was captured
Public methodCode exampleCloseGPS
Closes the GPS in order not to overwrite the GPS data you already captured.
Public methodCode exampleContains
Relevant mainly for Multiple Selection Questions Returns true if the inValue was selected in the inQuesIdx question as one of the answers
Public methodCode exampleContainsAnyIter
Relevant mainly for Multiple Selection Questions that are part of an iteration Returns true if the inValue was selected in the inQuesIdx question as one of the answers in at least one of the iterations
Public methodCode exampleContainsChoice
Relevant for single and multiple selection grid questions. Returns true if the value was selected in a specific topic and false otherwise
Public methodCode exampleContainsChoiceIter(Int32, Int32, Object, Int32)
Relevant for single and multiple selection grid questions. Returns true if the value was selected in a specific topic in a specific iteration and false otherwise
Public methodCode exampleContainsChoiceIter(Int32, Int32, Object, String)
Relevant for single and multiple selection grid questions. Returns true if the value was selected in a specific topic in a specific nested loops iterations state and false otherwise.
Public methodCode exampleContainsChoiceIterOneOf(Int32, Int32, Int32, Object)
Relevant for single and multiple selection grid questions. Returns true if one of the values was selected in a specific topic and iteration and false otherwise
Public methodCode exampleContainsChoiceIterOneOf(Int32, Int32, String, Object)
Relevant for single and multiple selection grid questions. Returns true if any of the values was selected in a specific topic in a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodCode exampleContainsChoiceOneOf
Relevant for single and multiple selection grid questions. Returns true if one of the values was selected in a specific topic and false otherwise
Public methodCode exampleContainsIter(Int32, Object, Int32)
Relevant mainly for Multiple Selection Questions that are part of an iteration Returns true if the inValue was selected in the inQuesIdx question as one of the answers in inIter iteration
Public methodCode exampleContainsIter(Int32, Object, String)
Relevant for single and multiple selection questions. Returns true if the value inValue was selected, in a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodCode exampleContainsIterOneOf(Int32, Int32, Object)
Relevant mainly for Multiple Selection Questions that are part of an iteration Returns true if one or more of the inValues was selected in the inQuesIdx question as one of the answers in inIter iteration
Public methodCode exampleContainsIterOneOf(Int32, String, Object)
Relevant for single and multiple selection questions. Returns true if any of the values was selected, in a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodCode exampleContainsOneOf
Relevant mainly for Multiple Selection Questions Returns true if one or more of the inValues was selected in the inQuesIdx question as one of the answers
Public methodCode exampleContainsSpecificRate
Relevant mainly for Single Choice Grid Questions Returns true if the inValue was selected in the inTopicIdx topic in the inQuesIdx question
Public methodCode exampleContainsSpecificRateIter(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Relevant mainly for Single Choice Grid Questions Returns true if the inValue was selected in the inTopicIdx topic in the inQuesIdx question in iteration inIter
Public methodCode exampleContainsSpecificRateIter(Int32, Int32, Int32, String)
Relevant mainly for Single Choice Grid Questions. Returns true if the inValue was selected in the inTopicIdx topic in the inQuesIdx question in nested loops iterations string inIter.
Public methodCreateAnswerWithAdditional
Public methodCode exampleCreateArray
Creats an array with given values.
Public methodCreateAttachment
Not In Use
Public methodCreateAttachment(String)
Not In Use
Public methodCreateAttachment(String, String)
Not In Use
Public methodCreateAttachment(String, String, String, Boolean)
Not In Use
Public methodCreateCoordinates(Double, Double)
Public methodCreateCoordinates(Double, Double, String)
Public methodCreateCoordinates(Int32, Int32, Double, Int32, Int32, Double)
Public methodCreateCoordinates(Int32, Int32, Double, Int32, Int32, Double, String)
Public methodCode exampleCreateCoords(Double, Double)
Use to create a GPS location.
Public methodCode exampleCreateCoords(Double, Double, String)
Use to create a GPS location.
Public methodCode exampleCreateCoords(Int32, Int32, Double, Int32, Int32, Double)
Use to create a GPS location.
Public methodCode exampleCreateCoords(Int32, Int32, Double, Int32, Int32, Double, String)
Use to create a GPS location.
Public methodCode exampleCreateCyclicArray
Returns an integers array with size inSize, containing numbers in the range [1,inSize], in cyclic order, starting with the number inStart.
Public methodCreateDate
Public methodCreateDVar
Public methodCreateEmptyList
Public methodCreateGUID
Public methodCreateGUIDFromString
Public methodCode exampleCreateIntArray
Creats an array with given values.
Public methodCreateIntentInfo
Public methodCreateMapMarker(ISimpleCoordinates, String)
Public methodCreateMapMarker(ISimpleCoordinates, String, Int32, Int32)
Public methodCode exampleCreateMultiIterationsString
This function gets a list of iteration indexes of nested loops, and return this list as a string. This returned value is to be used in all system loop functions that by default get a single iteration index.
Public methodCode exampleCreateRandomArray(Int32)
Returns an integers array with size inSize, containing numbers in the range [1,inSize], in randomized order.
Public methodCode exampleCreateRandomArray(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Returns an integers array with size inSize, containing numbers in the range [inMinValue,inMaxValue], in randomized order. values amount in the range [inMinValue,inMaxValue] must be equal to or greater than inSize.
Public methodCode exampleCreateRandomCyclicArray
Returns an integers array with size inSize, containing numbers in the range [1,inSize], in randomized cyclic order.
Public methodDate
Public methodDoCustomAction
Public methodDoCyclicJump
Public methodCode exampleEquals
Relevant mainly for Single Choice Questions Returns true if the answer of inQuesIdx is inValue. It is equivalent to Answer(inQuesIdx)==inValue
Public methodCode exampleEqualsAnyIter
Relevant mainly for Single Choice Questions that are part of an iteration Returns true if the answer of inQuesIdx is inValue in at least one of the iterations
Public methodCode exampleEqualsIter
Returns 'true' if value inValue is the answer of question inQues, in a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodExpandSeqArray
Public methodExternParam
Public methodExtFunc
Public methodExtFuncArray
Public methodFillFromAttachment(IListSource, String, String, String, String, String, String, String)
Public methodFillFromAttachment(IListSource, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean)
Public methodFillFromDBFile(IListSource, String, String, String, String, String, String, String)
Public methodFillFromDBFile(IListSource, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean)
Public methodFillFromDBFileFilter
Public methodFillFromDBFileGroup
Public methodFillFromLocation(IListSource)
Public methodFillFromLocation(IListSource, String, String)
Public methodFillFromLocation(IListSource, String, String, String, String)
Public methodFillFromLocation(IListSource, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean)
Public methodFillFromLocationFilter(IListSource, String, DVar)
Public methodFillFromLocationFilter(IListSource, String, String, String, DVar)
Public methodFillFromLocationGroup
Public methodCode exampleFillFromStore(IListSource, String)
This function is used for list sources in order to set the list source configuration.
Public methodCode exampleFillFromStore(IListSource, String, String, String)
This function is used for list sources in order to set the list source configuration.
Public methodFillFromStore(IListSource, String, String, String, String, String)
Public methodFillFromStore(IListSource, Int32, String, String, String, String, String)
Public methodFillFromStore(IListSource, Int32, String, String, String, String, String, String)
Public methodFillFromStore(IListSource, String, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean)
Public methodCode exampleFillFromStoreFilter(IListSource, String, String, DVar)
This function is used for list sources in order to set the list source configuration.
Public methodCode exampleFillFromStoreFilter(IListSource, String, String, String, String, DVar)
This function is used for list sources in order to set the list source configuration.
Public methodCode exampleFillFromStoreGroup
This function is used for list sources in order to set the list source configuration.
Public methodFillFromSubjectStore(IListSource)
Public methodFillFromSubjectStore(IListSource, String, String)
Public methodFillFromSubjectStore(IListSource, String, String, String, String)
Public methodFillFromSubjectStore(IListSource, String, String, String, String, String, Boolean)
Public methodFillFromSubjectStoreFilter(IListSource, String, DVar)
Public methodFillFromSubjectStoreFilter(IListSource, String, String, String, DVar)
Public methodFillFromSubjectStoreGroup
Public methodFillFromUL
Public methodCode exampleFilterAnswersByAnswers(Int32, Int32)
Hides or shows the answers in Multiple Selection,Single choice,Rating and Single Choice Grid (inTargetQuesIdx) that are selected in Multiple Selection, Single choice, Rating, Single Choice Grid and Single Choice Grid
Public methodCode exampleFilterAnswersByAnswers(Int32, Boolean, Int32)
Hides or shows the answers in Multiple Selection,Single choice,Rating and Single Choice Grid (inTargetQuesIdx) that are selected in Multiple Selection, Single choice, Rating and Single Choice Grid
Public methodCode exampleFilterAnswersByAnswers(Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Int32)
Hides or shows the answer in Multiple Selection,Single choice,Rating and Single Choice Grid (inTargetQuesIdx) that are selected in Multiple Selection, Single choice, Rating and Single Choice Grid
Public methodCode exampleFilterAnswersByTopics(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Hides or shows the answers in Multiple Selection,Single choice,Rating, Single Choice Grid and Single Choice Grid (inTargetQuesIdx) that their mathcing (by index) topic in (inSourceIdx) of type Single Choice Grid, Single Choice Grid Matrix and Counter (Not including Single choiceGrid) has one of the values in (inValues)
Public methodCode exampleFilterAnswersByTopics(Int32, Boolean, Int32, Int32)
Hides or shows the answers in Multiple Selection,Single choice,Rating and Single Choice Grid (inTargetQuesIdx) that their mathcing (by index) topic in Single Choice Grid, Matrix and Counter (inSourceIdx) has one of the values in (inValues)
Public methodCode exampleFilterAnswersByTopics(Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Int32)
Hides or shows the answers in Multiple Selection,Single choice,Rating and Single Choice Grid (inTargetQuesIdx) that their mathcing (by index) topic in Single Choice Grid, Matrix and Counter (inSourceIdx) has one of the values in (inValues)
Public methodCode exampleFilterTopicsByAnswers(Int32, Int32)
Hides or shows the topics in Matrix, Single Choice Grid, Stopper and Counter (inTargetQuesIdx) that thier matching (by index) answers are selected in Multiple Selection, Single choice, Rating, Single Choice Grid and Single Choice Grid
Public methodCode exampleFilterTopicsByAnswers(Int32, Boolean, Int32)
Hides or shows the topics in Matrix, Single Choice Grid, Stopper and Counter (inTargetQuesIdx) that thier matching (by index) answers are selected in Multiple Selection, Single choice, Rating and Single Choice Grid
Public methodCode exampleFilterTopicsByAnswers(Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Int32)
Hides or shows the topics in Matrix, Single Choice Grid, Stopper and Counter (inTargetQuesIdx) that thier matching (by index) answers are selected in Multiple Selection, Single choice, Rating and Single Choice Grid (Not including Single choiceGrid)
Public methodCode exampleFilterTopicsByTopics(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Hides or shows the topics in Matrix, Single Choice Grid, Stopper and Counter (inTargetQuesIdx) that their mathcing (by index) topic in Single Choice Grid, Matrix and Counter (inSourceIdx) has one of the values in (inValues)
Public methodCode exampleFilterTopicsByTopics(Int32, Boolean, Int32, Int32)
Hides or shows the topics in Matrix, Single Choice Grid, Stopper and Counter (inTargetQuesIdx) that their mathcing (by index) topic in Single Choice Grid, Matrix and Counter (inSourceIdx) has one of the values in (inValues)
Public methodCode exampleFilterTopicsByTopics(Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Int32, Int32)
Hides or shows the topics in Matrix, Single Choice Grid, Stopper and Counter (inTargetQuesIdx) that their mathcing (by index) topic in Single Choice Grid, Matrix and Counter (inSourceIdx) has one of the values in (inValues)
Public methodFindLocationByID
Public methodFlagInterview
Public methodFloor
Public methodFormatNumber
Public methodFormatNumberInvariant
Public methodGetAllChapters
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswerChoiceIdx
Returns the answer index according to the matching answer text given. Returns -1 if does not exist
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswerChoiceIdxByCode
Returns the answer index according to the matching answer ///code given.
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswerCount
Returns the number of answers in a non-grid questions
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswerOriginalText
Relevant only for grid question types. Gets a question index, an answer index and returns the original text (in case it was changed by Append\'Set' functions)
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswers(Int32)
Relevant for all questions. Returns a list of the selected answers depending on the question type. For example for a Single Choice question it would rerutn the selected answer (equivalent to Answer(inQuesIdx)). For a Multiple Selection question it would return a list of all the selected answers
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswers(Int32, Boolean)
Relevant for all questions. Returns a list of the selected answers depending on the question type in a randomized order. For example for a Single Choice question it would rerutn the selected answer (equivalent to Answer(inQuesIdx)). For a Multiple Selection question it would return a list of all the selected answers in a randomized order.
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswers(Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Relevant for all questions. Returns a list of inMaxSize selected answers (or all of them if inMaxSize is larger than the number of selected answers) depending on the question type in a randomized order. For example for a Single Choice question it would rerutn the selected answer (equivalent to Answer(inQuesIdx)). For a Multiple Selection question it would return a list of inMaxSize selected answers in a randomized order.
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswersChoice(Int32, Int32)
Relevant mainly for multiple selection grid questions. Returns an array of the answers that were selected in a specific topic
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswersChoice(Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Relevant mainly for multiple selection grid questions. Returns an array of the answers that were selected in a specific topic in a randomized order
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswersChoice(Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Relevant mainly for multiple selection grid questions. Returns a list of inMaxSize selected answers (or all of them if inMaxSize is larger than the number of selected answers) in a randomized order
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswersChoiceIter(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Relevant mainly for multiple selection grid questions. Returns an array of the answers that were selected in a specific topic in a specific iteration
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswersChoiceIter(Int32, Int32, String)
Relevant mainly for multiple selection grid questions within an iterated chapter. Returns a list of the selected answers in topic inTopic, in a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswersChoiceIter(Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Relevant mainly for multiple selection grid questions. Returns an array of the answers that were selected in a specific topic in a specific iteration in a randomized order
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswersChoiceIter(Int32, Int32, String, Boolean)
Relevant mainly for multiple selection grid questions within an iterated chapter. Returns a list of the selected answers in topic inTopic, in a specific nested loops iterations state. If needed, in a randomized order.
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswersChoiceIter(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Relevant mainly for multiple selection grid questions. Returns a list of inMaxSize selected answers (or all of them if inMaxSize is larger than the number of selected answers) in a randomized order
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswersChoiceIter(Int32, Int32, String, Int32, Boolean)
Relevant mainly for multiple selection grid questions within an iterated chapter. Returns a list of the selected answers in topic inTopic, in a specific nested loops iterations state. If needed, in a randomized order and in a maximal array size.
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswersIter(Int32, Int32)
Relevant for all questions that are within an iterated chapter. Returns a list of the selected answers in a specific itreation depending on the question type. For example for a Single Choice question it would rerutn the selected answer (equivalent to AnswerIter(inQuesIdx, inIter)). For a Multiple Selection question it would return a list of all the selected answers
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswersIter(Int32, String)
Relevant for all questions that are within an iterated chapter. Returns a list of the selected answers in a specific nested loops iterations state, depending on the question type. For example, for a Multiple Selection question it would return a list of all the selected answers.
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswersIter(Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Relevant for all questions that are within an iterated chapter. Returns a list of the selected answers in a specific itreation depending on the question type in a randomized order. For example for a Single Choice question it would rerutn the selected answer (equivalent to AnswerIter(inQuesIdx, inIter)). For a Multiple Selection question it would return a list of all the selected answers in a randomized order.
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswersIter(Int32, String, Boolean)
Relevant for all questions that are within an iterated chapter. Returns a list of the selected answers in a specific nested loops iterations state, if needed, in a randomized order. For example, for a Multiple Selection question it would return a list of all the selected answers.
Public methodGetAnswersIter(Int32, Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Public methodCode exampleGetAnswersIter(Int32, String, Int32, Boolean)
Relevant for all questions that are within an iterated chapter. Returns a list of the selected answers in a specific nested loops iterations state, if needed, in a randomized order in a maximal array size. For example, for a Multiple Selection question it would return a list of all the selected answers.
Public methodGetAttachedFiles
Returns an array of strings, each item holds the file name of an attachment within the interview.
Public methodGetAttachedFiles(Int32)
Public methodGetAttachedFilesCount
Public methodGetAttachedFilesCountIter(Int32, Int32)
Public methodGetAttachedFilesCountIter(Int32, String)
Public methodGetAttachedFilesIter(Int32, Int32)
Public methodGetAttachedFilesIter(Int32, String)
Public methodGetAttachedFilesNames
Returns an array of strings, each item holds the attachment name of an attachment within the interview.
Public methodGetAttachedFilesNames(Int32)
Public methodGetAttachedFilesNamesIter(Int32, Int32)
Public methodGetAttachedFilesNamesIter(Int32, String)
Public methodGetAttachment
Public methodGetAttachmentByName
Returns a file name according to a given attachment name.
Public methodGetAttachmentID
Public methodGetBaseSubjectProps
Public methodGetChapter
Public methodGetChapterIterations
Returns an array that contains the numbers of the iterations that a spacific chapter was asked
Public methodGetChapterIterationsNames
Returns a string that contains the iterations names
Public methodCode exampleGetDeviceVersionAtLeast
This function returns 'true' if the given STG data collection app version inOtherVersion is equal or less than the actual app version installed on the device.
Public methodGetEnumName
Public methodGetExternalSubjectProps
Public methodGetExtraLabelOriginalText
Public methodGetExtraLabelText
Public methodCode exampleGetGPSInfo
Returns the current GPS info.
Public methodCode exampleGetGPSLocation
Returns the current location as captured by the GPS.
Public methodGetInstructionsOriginalText
Public methodGetInstructionsText
Public methodGetLocationProps
Public methodGetNextCyclicArrayPosition
Public methodGetNotCompletedChapters
Public methodGetNotCompletedChaptersAsString
Public methodGetNumOfTopicsNotAboveValue
Public methodGetNumOfTopicsNotBelowValue
Public methodCode exampleGetNumOfTopicsWithNotValues
returns the number of topics without the given values in a single choice grid question.
Public methodCode exampleGetNumOfTopicsWithValues
returns the number of topics with the given answers in a single choice grid question.
Public methodCode exampleGetOriginalText
Relevant for all question types. Gets a question index and returns the original text in its body (in case it was changed by Append\'Set' functions)
Public methodGetPageText
Not In Use
Public methodCode exampleGetParentIterationIndex
This function gets a level number within the nested loops and returns the index of the current iteration in that loop level.
Public methodCode exampleGetParentIterationIndexPath
This function gets a level number within the nested loops and returns a list of the iteration indexes from the highest loop level (the most outer one) to the given level.
Public methodCode exampleGetParentIterationName
This function gets a level number within the nested loops and returns the name of the current iteration in that loop level.
Public methodGetPropertyAnswer
Public methodGetPropertyAnswerIter(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodGetPropertyAnswerIter(Int32, Int32, String)
Public methodGetPropertyQuestion
Public methodGetPropertyQuestionIter(Int32, Int32)
Public methodGetPropertyQuestionIter(Int32, String)
Public methodGetPropertySurvey
Public methodGetPropertyTopic
Public methodGetPropertyTopicIter(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodGetPropertyTopicIter(Int32, Int32, String)
Public methodGetQuestionIterations
Returns an array that contains the numbers of the iterations that a spacific question was asked
Public methodGetQuestionIterationsNames
Returns a string that contains the names of the iterations that a specific question was asked
Public methodGetQuestionType
Public methodGetQuotasForSurvey
Public methodGetRootChapter
Public methodGetSerial
Public methodGetSubjectProps
Public methodGetTableFromAttachment(String, String, String, String, String, String)
Public methodGetTableFromAttachment(String, String, String, String, String, String, String)
Public methodGetTableFromDBFile(String, String, String)
Public methodGetTableFromDBFile(String, String, String, String, String, String)
Public methodGetTableFromDBFile(String, String, String, String, String, String, String)
Public methodGetTableFromLocation
Public methodGetTableFromLocation(String, String, String)
Public methodGetTableFromLocation(String, String, String, String)
Public methodCode exampleGetTableFromStore(String)
Will get a name of a subject store and return the table object. in JS should be inserted into a ‘var’ type.
Public methodCode exampleGetTableFromStore(String, String, String, String)
Will get the name of the subject store, and SQL commands to pull through data out of the Table. in JS should be inserted into a ‘var’ type.
Public methodCode exampleGetTableFromStore(String, String, String, String, String)
Public methodGetTableFromSubjectStore
Public methodGetTableFromSubjectStore(String, String, String)
Public methodGetTableFromSubjectStore(String, String, String, String)
Public methodCode exampleGetText
Relevant for all question types. Gets a question index and returns the current text in its body
Public methodCode exampleGetTopicCount
Returns the number of topics in a grid questions
Public methodCode exampleGetTopicOriginalText
Relevant only for grid question types. Gets a question index, a topic index and returns the original text (in case it was changed by Append\'Set' functions)
Public methodCode exampleGetVisibleAnswerCount
Returns the number of visible answers in a non-grid questions
Public methodCode exampleGetVisibleTopicCount
Returns the number of visible topics in a grid questions
Public methodGPSAnswer
Public methodGPSAnswerIter(Int32, Int32)
Public methodGPSAnswerIter(Int32, String)
Public methodGPSAnswers
Public methodGPSAnswersIter(Int32, Int32)
Public methodGPSAnswersIter(Int32, String)
Public methodGPSSetAnswer
Public methodGPSSetAnswerIter(Int32, Int32, ISimpleCoordinates)
Public methodGPSSetAnswerIter(Int32, String, ISimpleCoordinates)
Public methodGPSSetAnswers
Public methodGPSSetAnswersIter(Int32, Int32, ISimpleCoordinates)
Public methodGPSSetAnswersIter(Int32, String, ISimpleCoordinates)
Public methodHasOtherSpec
Public methodHasRepeatAnswers(Int32)
Public methodHasRepeatAnswers(Int32, Int32)
Public methodIff
Public methodImagePositionAnswer
Public methodImagePositionAnswerIter(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Public methodImagePositionAnswerIter(Int32, String, Int32)
Public methodImagePositionSetAnswer
Public methodImagePositionSetAnswerIter(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int64, Int32)
Public methodImagePositionSetAnswerIter(Int32, String, Int32, Int32, Int32, Int64, Int32)
Public methodCode exampleInArray(Int32, Int32)
returns True\False if a given value is within a given array.
Public methodCode exampleInArray(DVar, DVar)
returns True\False if a given value is within a given array.
Public methodCode exampleIndexOf
Will return the array index of a value within the array.
Public methodCode exampleIndexOfInt
Will return the array index of a value within the array.
Public methodCode exampleIntArrayToString
Will turn a string in a specific format, to an Integer array.
Public methodCode exampleintParse
Convert integer represented in string inA, into an int type
Public methodCode exampleIsAllDigits
Returns true if the string contains only digits and false otherwise.
Public methodCode exampleIsAnswerVisible
Relevant mainly for Questions that have no topics included. For those use IsTopicVisible Returs true if an answer inAnserIdx is visble in question inQuesIdx
Public methodCode exampleIsAnyAnswerVisible
Relevant mainly for Questions that have no topics included. For those use IsAnyTopicVisible Returs true if at least one of the answers is visble in question inQuesIdx
Public methodCode exampleIsAnyTopicVisible
Relevant mainly for Questions that have topics included. Returns true if at least one of the topics in question inQuesIdx is visible, otherwise returns false
Public methodIsChapterVisible
Public methodCode exampleIsCodesAnswer
This function's return's 'true' or 'false' if a special code was selected in a Numeric\Open-Ended question
Public methodCode exampleIsCodesAnswerIter(Int32, Int32)
This function's return's 'true' or 'false' if a special code was selected in a Numeric\Open-Ended question within a loop with a given iteration.
Public methodCode exampleIsCodesAnswerIter(Int32, String)
This function's return's 'true' or 'false' if a special code was selected in a Numeric\Open-Ended question within a nested loop.
Public methodCode exampleIsEMail
Returns true if the string is a legal E-mail address and false otherwise
Public methodIsFileExist
Public methodIsMatch(String, DVar)
Public methodIsMatch(String, DVar, Boolean)
Public methodIsNullOrEmpty
Public methodIsOtherSpec
Public methodIsOtherSpecRepeated
Public methodIsPlatform
Public methodIsQuestionScored
Public methodIsRegEx
Public methodCode exampleIsTopicVisible
Relevant mainly for Questions that have topics included. Returns true if the topic inTopicIdx in question inQuesIdx is visible, otherwise returns false
Public methodLocateAddress
Public methodMegaGetAnswer
Public methodMegaSetAnswer
Public methodCode exampleNotAnswered
Relevant for all Questions Returns true if question inQuesIdx was not answered but was skipped
Public methodCode exampleNotAnsweredIter(Int32, Int32)
Relevant mainly for Questions that are part of an iteration Returns true if question inQuesIdx was not answered but got skipped in the iteration inIteration
Public methodCode exampleNotAnsweredIter(Int32, String)
Returns true if question inQuesIdx was not answered but got skipped in a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodCode exampleNotContains
Relevant mainly for Multiple Selection Questions Returns true if the inValue was not selected in the inQuesIdx question as one of the answers
Public methodCode exampleNotContainsIter(Int32, Object, Int32)
Relevant mainly for Multiple Selection Questions that are part of an iteration Returns true if the inValue was not selected in the inQuesIdx question as one of the answers in inIter iteration
Public methodCode exampleNotContainsIter(Int32, Object, String)
Relevant for single and multiple selection questions. Returns true if the value inValue wasn't selected, in a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodCode exampleNotContainsSpecificRate
Relevant mainly for Single Choice Grid Questions Returns true if the inValue was not selected in the inTopicIdx topic in the inQuesIdx question
Public methodCode exampleNotContainsSpecificRateIter(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Relevant mainly for Single Choice Grid Questions Returns true if the inValue was selected in the inTopicIdx topic in the inQuesIdx question in iteration inIter
Public methodCode exampleNotContainsSpecificRateIter(Int32, Int32, Int32, String)
Relevant mainly for Single Choice Grid Questions. Returns true if the inValue wasn't selected in the inTopicIdx topic in the inQuesIdx question in nested loops iterations string inIter.
Public methodNotSubjectPropEquals
Public methodNumOfChoices Obsolete.
Public methodCode exampleNumOfSelectedChoices
Returns the number of answers selected in Multi-Selection questions.
Public methodCode exampleNumOfSelectedChoicesChoice
Relevant for multiple selection grid questions. Returns the amount of the answers that were selected in a specific topic
Public methodCode exampleNumOfSelectedChoicesChoiceIter(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Relevant for multiple selection grid questions. Returns the amount of the answers that were selected in a specific topic and in a specific iteration
Public methodCode exampleNumOfSelectedChoicesChoiceIter(Int32, Int32, String)
Relevant for multiple selection grid questions. Returns the amount of the answers that were selected in a specific topic within a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodCode exampleNumOfSelectedChoicesIter(Int32, Int32)
Returns the number of answers selected in Multi-Selection questions placed in a loop, within a given iteration.
Public methodCode exampleNumOfSelectedChoicesIter(Int32, String)
Returns the number of answers selected in Multi-Selection questions placed in a loop, within a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodCode exampleOpenGPS
Enables the GPS for use and call’s this function: function OnGPSUpdated(inLocation) { SubjectGPSLocation = inLocation; } this function can be added to the advanced scripts and re-edited
Public methodOpenUserSelection
Public methodParseJson
Public methodParseXml
Public methodCode examplePrompt(String)
Relevant for all questions. Displays the inPrompt in a popup message window. Can also be used for debugging purposes while testing a survey during scripting. You can combine explicit text within quotes or DVars with the '+' sign between them
Public methodCode examplePrompt(DVar)
Relevant for all questions. Displays the inPrompt in a popup message window. Can also be used for debugging purposes while testing a survey during scripting. You can combine explicit text within quotes or DVars with the '+' sign between them
Public methodQRef
Used to have SurveyToGo automatically shift question index when questions are moved around at design time
Public methodQuestionChapter
Public methodRandom
Public methodCode exampleRandomizeAnswers(Int32)
Releveant mainly for single choice and multiple selection questions. Display the answers of question inQuesIdx in a randomized order.
Public methodCode exampleRandomizeAnswers(Int32, Int32)
Releveant mainly for single choice and multiple selection questions. Display the answers of question inQuesIdx in a randomized order, according to the order determined in inRandomArray.
Public methodCode exampleRandomizeArray
Gets an integers array inArray, and returns an integers array in the same size of inArray, with randomized order of the original inArray content order.
Public methodCode exampleRandomizeTopics(Int32)
Releveant mainly for single choice grid questions. Display the topics of question inQuesIdx in a randomized order.
Public methodCode exampleRandomizeTopics(Int32, Int32)
Releveant mainly for single choice grid questions. Display the topics of question inQuesIdx in a randomized order, according to the order determined in inRandomArray.
Public methodCode exampleReadFileLines
This function is a Asynchronous function enabling to read the text seperated into lines in a given file saved on the device / PC. As the function is Asynchronous, when the file is actually read the callback function void OnReadFileLinesResult(String inFileName, bool inSuccess, String[] inFileLines) is called and it includes the filename, success (read or not) and a String array of the lines in the file it read. You need to override it in your Advanced Scripts to perform what you need in case of failure or perfrom any action with the read text.
Public methodCode exampleReadFileText
This function reads the text in a given file saved on the device / PC. As the function is Asynchronous, when the file is actually read the callback function void OnReadFileTextResult(String inFileName, bool inSuccess, String inFileText) is called and it includes the filename, success (read or not) and a String array of the lines in the file it read. You need to override it in your Advanced Scripts to perform what you need in case of failure or perfrom any action with the read text.
Public methodRemoveAttachment
Removes a specific attachment from an interview according to /// a given file name.
Public methodRemoveAttachmentByName
Removes a specific attachment from an interview according to /// a given attachment name.
Public methodReRandomizeIterations
Public methodResetAnswerText(Int32)
Public methodResetAnswerText(Int32, Int32)
Public methodResetQuestion
Public methodCode exampleResetSortAnswers
Cancels the Randomization defined for the Answers of that quetion. for example if the Randomize Answers is globally defnied for this question but on a certain condition in an interview you want to ignore it you can use ResetSortAnswers(CurrQues).
Public methodCode exampleResetSortTopics
Cancels the Randomization defined for the Topics of that quetion. for example if the Randomize Topics is globally defnied for this question but on a certain condition in an interview you want to ignore it you can use ResetSortTopics(CurrQues).
Public methodResetTopicText(Int32)
Public methodResetTopicText(Int32, Int32)
Public methodCode exampleRotateAnswers
This function display the answers in some rotation order.
Public methodCode exampleRotateTopics
This function display the topics of a question in some rotation order.
Public methodRound
Perform Excel like Rounding; Round the number to the nearest integer. If the fractional component of the number is halfway between two integers, round up and for positive numbers and round down for negative numbers.
Public methodRunFile
Public methodRunProcess
Public methodCode exampleSelectedAnswerChoiceCode
Relevent single choice grid and numeric choice grid questions. Returnes the coding text of the answer coded for inChoiceIdx in inQuesIdx.
Public methodCode exampleSelectedAnswerChoiceText
Relevent mainly for single choice grid and numeric grid questions. Returns the text of the answer coded for inChoiceIdx in inQuesIdx.
Public methodCode exampleSelectedAnswerChoiceTextIter(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Relevent mainly for single choice grid and numeric grid questions, included inside a loop chapter. Returns the text of the answer coded for inChoiceIdx in inQuesIdx, during iteration inIter.
Public methodCode exampleSelectedAnswerChoiceTextIter(Int32, Int32, String)
Relevent mainly for single choice grid and numeric grid questions, included inside a loop chapter. Returns the text of the answer coded for inChoiceIdx in inQuesIdx, during a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodCode exampleSelectedAnswerCode
Relevent for single choice questions. Returnes the coding text of the answer coded in inQuesIdx.
Public methodCode exampleSelectedAnswerText(Int32)
Relevent mainly for single choice questions. Returns the text of the answer that was coded in inQuesIdx.
Public methodCode exampleSelectedAnswerText(Int32, Boolean)
Relevent mainly for single choice questions. Returns the text of the answer that was coded in inQuesIdx. If inUseOtherSpecText = true, and the selected answer of inQuesIdx was "Other Specify", Returns the additional text entered for that answer.
Public methodCode exampleSelectedAnswerTextIter(Int32, Int32)
Relevent mainly for single choice questions, that were included inside a loop chapter. Returns the text of the answer that was coded in inQuesIdx, during iteration inIter.
Public methodCode exampleSelectedAnswerTextIter(Int32, String)
Relevent mainly for single choice questions, that were included inside a loop chapter. Returns the text of the answer that was coded in inQuesIdx, during a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodCode exampleSelectedAnswerTextIter(Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Relevent mainly for single choice questions, that were included inside a loop chapter. Returns the text of the answer that was coded in inQuesIdx, during iteration inIter. If inUseOtherSpecText = true, and the selected answer of inQuesIdx during iteration inIter was "Other Specify", Returns the additional text entered for that answer.
Public methodCode exampleSelectedAnswerTextIter(Int32, String, Boolean)
Relevent mainly for single choice questions, that were included inside a loop chapter. Returns the text of the answer that was coded in inQuesIdx, during a specific nested loops iterations state. If inUseOtherSpecText = true, and the selected answer of inQuesIdx during iterations state inIter was "Other Specify", Returns the additional text entered for that answer.
Public methodCode exampleSetAnswer
Relevant for all question types. Sets the value of an answer/answers in question inQuesIdx with inValues. If the question is of type Multiple Selection or a grid (Single Choice Grid, Numeric Grid etc) it will set the relevant answers with the corresponding values in inValues. First answer will be set with the first value, second answer will be set with the second value etc.
Public methodCode exampleSetAnswerChoice
It will set the relevant answers in the specific topic with the corresponding values in inValues
Public methodCode exampleSetAnswerChoiceIter(Int32, Int32, Int32, DVar)
It will set the relevant answers in the specific topic and in a specific iteration with the corresponding values in inValues
Public methodCode exampleSetAnswerChoiceIter(Int32, Int32, String, DVar)
This function sets the relevant answers inValues in the specific topic inTopic, in a specific nested loops iterations state.
Public methodCode exampleSetAnswerCode
This function's set's a special code in a Numeric\Open-Ended Question
Public methodCode exampleSetAnswerCodeIter(Int32, String, Int32)
This function's set's a special code in a Numeric\Open-Ended Question within a loop with a given iteration
Public methodCode exampleSetAnswerCodeIter(Int32, String, String)
This function's set's a special code in a Numeric\Open-Ended Question within a nested loop.
Public methodCode exampleSetAnswerIter(Int32, Int32, DVar)
Relevant for all question types that are part of an iteration. Sets the value of an answer/answers in question inQuesIdx with inValues in the specific inIter iteration. If the question is of type Multiple Selection or a grid (Single Choice Grid, Numeric Grid etc) it will set the relevant answers with the corresponding values in inValues. First answer will be set with the first value, second answer will be set with the second value etc.
Public methodCode exampleSetAnswerIter(Int32, String, DVar)
Relevant for all question types that are part of an iteration. Sets the value of an answer/answers in question inQuesIdx with inValues in the specific nested loops iterations state. If the question is of type Multiple Selection or a grid (Single Choice Grid, Numeric Grid etc) it will set the relevant answers with the corresponding values in inValues. First answer will be set with the first value, second answer will be set with the second value etc.
Public methodSetAnswerMatchByCoding(Int32, Int32)
Public methodSetAnswerMatchByCoding(Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean)
Public methodCode exampleSetAnswerText
Relevant for multi\single mention question types. Will change the header text of an answer.
Public methodCode exampleSetAnswerTextFormat
Relevant for multi/single mention question types. Will set a text object by using piping methods into one place holder or more in the relevant answer
Public methodCode exampleSetAnswerVisible(Int32, Boolean)
Relevant mainly for Questions that have no topics included. For those use SetTopicVisible Hides all the answers inQuesIdx if the inShow is false or shows it if true
Public methodCode exampleSetAnswerVisible(Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Relevant mainly for Questions that have no topics included. For those use SetTopicVisible Hides answer inAnswerIdx in question inQuesIdx if the inShow is false or shows it if true
Public methodCode exampleSetAnswerVisible(Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Int32)
Relevant mainly for Questions that have no topics included. For those use SetTopicVisible This function hides or shows the answers in inArray based on the inShow value. false will hide them and true will make them visible. The inReset will perform the comlimentary action to inShow to all answers if set to true: if inShow is set to true and inReset is set to true all answers will become hiden before the inArray ones are shown and vice versa.
Public methodCode exampleSetAnswerWithAdditional Obsolete.
Relevant for all question types. Sets the value of an answer/answers in question inQuesIdx with inValues including the value of the Other(Specify). If the question is of type Multiple Selection or a grid (Single Choice Grid, Numeric Grid etc) it will set the relevant answers with the corresponding values in inValues. First answer will be set with the first value, second answer will be set with the second value etc.
Public methodCode exampleSetAnswerWithAdditionalIter(Int32, Int32, String, DVar) Obsolete.
Relevant for all question types. Sets the value of an answer/answers in question inQuesIdx with inValues including the value of the Other(Specify)in the specific inIter iteration. If the question is of type Multiple Selection or a grid (Single Choice Grid, Numeric Grid etc) it will set the relevant answers with the corresponding values in inValues. First answer will be set with the first value, second answer will be set with the second value etc.
Public methodCode exampleSetAnswerWithAdditionalIter(Int32, String, String, DVar) Obsolete.
Relevant for all question types. Sets the value of an answer/answers in question inQuesIdx with inValues including the value of the Other(Specify) in the specific nested loops iterations state. If the question is of type Multiple Selection or a grid (Single Choice Grid, Numeric Grid etc) it will set the relevant answers with the corresponding values in inValues. First answer will be set with the first value, second answer will be set with the second value etc.
Public methodSetAnswerWithAdditionalTexts
Sets multiple answers with additional texts. Use CreateAnswerWithAdditional() to create AnswerWithAdditionalText objects.
Public methodSetAnswerWithAdditionalTextsIter(Int32, Int32, AnswerWithAdditionalText)
Public methodSetAnswerWithAdditionalTextsIter(Int32, String, AnswerWithAdditionalText)
Sets multiple answers with additional texts. Use CreateAnswerWithAdditional() to create AnswerWithAdditionalText objects. Only works for Multiple Selection questions
Public methodSetChapterVisible
Public methodSetExtraLabelText
Public methodSetExtraLabelTextFormat
Public methodSetInstructionsText
Public methodSetInstructionsTextFormat
Public methodCode exampleSetMultiAnswersVisible(Int32, DVar, ItemVisibleRef)
This function will create Visibility conditions for answers within a question according to an answer of another question, that will determine which topics are shown\hidden and when. saving multiple re-writing of SetAnswerVisible() functions.
Public methodCode exampleSetMultiAnswersVisible(Int32, DVar, Boolean, ItemVisibleRef)
This function will create Visibility conditions for answers within a question according to an answer of another question, that will determine which topics are shown\hidden and when. saving multiple re-writing of SetAnswerVisible() functions.
Public methodCode exampleSetMultiAnswersVisible(Int32, DVar, Boolean, Boolean, ItemVisibleRef)
This function will create Visibility conditions for answers within a question according to an answer of another question, that will determine which topics are shown\hidden and when. saving multiple re-writing of SetAnswerVisible() functions.
Public methodCode exampleSetMultiTopicsVisible(Int32, DVar, ItemVisibleRef)
This function will create Visibility conditions for topics within a question according to an answer of another question, that will determine which topics are shown\hidden and when. saving multiple re-writing of SetAnswerVisible() functions.
Public methodCode exampleSetMultiTopicsVisible(Int32, DVar, Boolean, ItemVisibleRef)
This function will create Visibility conditions for topics within a question according to an answer of another question, that will determine which topics are shown\hidden and when. saving multiple re-writing of SetAnswerVisible() functions.
Public methodCode exampleSetMultiTopicsVisible(Int32, DVar, Boolean, Boolean, ItemVisibleRef)
This function will create Visibility conditions for topics within a question according to an answer of another question, that will determine which topics are shown\hidden and when. saving multiple re-writing of SetAnswerVisible() functions.
Public methodSetPageText
Not In Use
Public methodSetPageTextFormat
Not In Use
Public methodSetQuestionAnswerFontScalePercent
Public methodSetQuestionFontScalePercent
Public methodSetQuestionScored
Public methodSetQuestionTopicFontScalePercent
Public methodSetSelectedAnswerAdditionalText
Sets additional text for a previously selected answer, without deleting other answers. Does nothing if the answer isn't selected.
Public methodSetSelectedAnswerAdditionalTextIter(Int32, String, String, Int32)
Public methodSetSelectedAnswerAdditionalTextIter(Int32, String, String, String)
Public methodSetSubjectLocationID(Int32)
Public methodSetSubjectLocationID(Int32, Int32)
Public methodCode exampleSetText
Relevant for all question types. Will change the body text of a question.
Public methodCode exampleSetTextFormat
Relevant for all question types. Will set a text object by using piping methods into one place holder or more in the relevant question body
Public methodCode exampleSetTopicText
Relevant for grid questions only. Will change the header text of the topic
Public methodCode exampleSetTopicTextFormat
Relevant for grid questions only. Will set a text object by using piping methods into one place holder or more in the relevant topic
Public methodCode exampleSetTopicVisible(Int32, Boolean)
Relevant mainly for Questions that have topics included. Hides all the topics inQuesIdx if the inShow is false or shows them if true
Public methodCode exampleSetTopicVisible(Int32, Int32, Boolean)
Relevant mainly for Questions that have topics included. Hides the topic inTopicIdx in question inQuesIdx if the inShow is false or shows it if true
Public methodCode exampleSetTopicVisible(Int32, Boolean, Boolean, Int32)
Relevant mainly for Questions that have topics included. This function hides or shows the topics in inArray based on the inShow value. false will hide them and true will make them visible. The inReset will perform the complimentary action to inShow to all topics if set to true: if inShow is set to true and inReset is set to true all topics will become hiden before the inArray ones are shown and vice versa.
Public methodShowInterviewSummary
Public methodSleep
Public methodSnapPicture
Public methodCode exampleSortAnswers(Int32)
The function sorts the answers by lexicographical order from A-Z
Public methodCode exampleSortAnswers(Int32, Boolean)
The function sorts the answers by lexicographical order from Z-A
Public methodCode exampleSortTopics(Int32)
The function sorts the topic by lexicographical order from A-Z
Public methodCode exampleSortTopics(Int32, Boolean)
The function sorts the topic by lexicographical order from Z-A
Public methodStartFrontFacingCameraAttachment(String, String, Int64)
Public methodStartFrontFacingCameraAttachment(String, String, Boolean, Int64)
Public methodStartFrontFacingCameraLocalPath(String, String, Int64)
Public methodStartFrontFacingCameraLocalPath(String, String, Boolean, Int64)
Public methodStartIntent
Public methodStopS
Public methodStoreFunc
Public methodstringCompare(String, String)
Public methodstringCompare(String, String, Boolean)
Public methodCode examplestringContains(String, String)
Determines whether or not string inPart contained in string inFull
Public methodCode examplestringContains(String, String, Boolean)
Determines whether or not string inPart contained in string inFull
Public methodstringFormat
Public methodCode examplestringIndexOf
Returns the (zero-based) index in string inFull of the first occurance of string inPart
Public methodCode examplestringJoin
Concatenates several strings in inArray into one string, joined be inSeperator.
Public methodCode examplestringReplace
Replace string inFind contained inside string inString, with the string inReplace
Public methodCode examplestringSplit
Split the string inString into several pieces, separated by inSeperator. all instances of inSeperator are removed.
Public methodCode exampleStringToIntArray
Will turn a string in a specific format, to an Integer array.
Public methodCode examplestringToLower
Returns the string inA, containing just lower-case letters.
Public methodCode examplestringToUpper
Returns the string inA, containing just upper-case letters.
Public methodCode examplestringTrim
Trim all white-space characters from the start and end of inA string
Public methodSubjectProp
Public methodSubjectPropEquals
Public methodCode exampleSumMulti(Int32)
Valid for a Numeric Grid type questions. The function calculates the sum on a specific question
Public methodCode exampleSumMulti(Int32, Int32)
Valid for a Numeric Grid type questions. The function calculates the sum with an offset on a specific question
Public methodCode exampleSumMulti(Int32, Int32, Int32)
Valid for a Numeric Grid type questions. The function calculates the sum with an offset on a specific question
Public methodTimeDiffDays
Public methodTimeDiffHours
Public methodTimeDiffMilliSeconds
Public methodTimeDiffMinutes
Public methodTimeDiffMonths
Public methodTimeDiffSeconds
Public methodTimeDiffYears
Public methodToArrayT
Public methodToDVarT
Public methodCode exampleTopicText
Relevant only for Grid question types Gets and index of a question and an index of a topic and returns its text
Public methodTrace
Public methodTryGetSerial
Public methodTVPosRef
Public methodTVRef
Public methodUpdateTOC
Public methodVarName
Public methodVRef
Public methodWebServiceGet
Public methodWebServicePost
Public methodWriteFileText(String, String)
Public methodCode exampleWriteFileText(String, String, Boolean)
This function writes the given text inText into a file created and saved on the device / PC, with the option to attach the file to the interview as an attachment. As the function is Asynchronous, when the file is actually written the callback function void OnWriteFileTextResult(String inFileName, bool inSuccess, bool inAppended)) is called and it includes the filename, success (read or not) and in this case the inAppended will be returned as false. You need to override it in your Advanced Scripts to perform what you need in case of failure.
See Also